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    E pluribus unum

    “Out of Many, One”

    To my friends that have voted or will vote to re-elect President Trump, I respect your right to vote your conscience.

    To my friends that have voted or will vote to elect former Vice-President Biden as our new president, I respect your right to vote your conscience.

    I have friends that have told me that they can’t possibly see how our country could survive four years of a Biden presidency, and I have friends that have told me that they can’t possibly see how our country can survive four more years of the Trump presidency.

    In the end, the survival of our country is not so dependent on who is elected president, but how “We the People” react to who is elected president. Personally, what I can’t see America surviving is the continued trajectory of increasing polarization and divisiveness.

    If you are dumbfounded about how people you thought you knew are currently expressing opinions vastly different than yours, realize that they are getting different “information” in their feeds. We have all been placed into divisive boxes w/ echo-chamber walls.

    Both ends of the political spectrum are playing this game. It’s a dangerous game that is tearing our country apart.
    For me, I pledge that no matter the outcome of the election, I will work toward a path to unity. We all need to summon the courage to step beyond fear and step outside of the boxes we find ourselves in. We all need to find ways to find common ground with our neighbors, co-workers, and family members. Who we have been led to support politically does not define us (at least it shouldn’t).

    “United we stand – divided we fall” has never seemed more true. Together we will get through all the challenges facing us and we will be stronger as a nation because of it.

    If you agree to work toward greater unity in our country, I humbly ask that you share this message as a first outward sign of that commitment.

    Thank you, Ron